Rooted Apologies: Body-Based Strategies For Navigating Social Justice Slip-ups

Brought to you by M’kali-Hashiki and Max Pearl

Date July 21, 2024

We’ve all been there, saying something unwittingly that upholds the unjust status quo; without intent to hurt or harm, simply unthinkingly repeating the messages we’ve been indoctrinated with. And in our multiracial, multi-class or otherwise non-homogenous circles this often means that there will be someone there who will “call us in/out”: pointing out the harm that our actions/behavior causes either directly or indirectly.

Think back to the last time that happened to you. How did you handle it? How do you feel now about how you handled it? It will happen again because we’re all learning & growing. Would you like another way to respond?

In this workshop we’ll learn about the science of disregulation & use guided visualizations to examine what happens in our bodies when we feel defensive. You’ll leave with the ability to offer a sincere body-based apology in the moment, giving yourself grace & space to integrate the learning.

This is not the performative apology you pull out your ass, but a grounded way to respond that facilitates repair.

Register Here

This workshop will be recorded, and available only for people who register.